Tuesday, December 1, 2009


A few weeks or so here at the library, we asked kids to nominate some names for a fishy that would be coming to live at the Youth Services desk. From the 20 names nominated, over 120 kids (from ages 3-17) voted to name the fishy Chewbacca, pronounced Choo-bock-uh. Now, if you've never heard the name Chewbacca, let us give you a little education in Star Wars trivia.

Chewbacca (or "Chewie", as he was known by his friends) was a legendary Wookiee from Kashyyyk and co-pilot of Han Solo's ship, the Millennium Falcon. He was the son of Attichitcuk, the husband of Mallatobuck, and the father ofLumpawaroo. Chewbacca carried with him the name of an ancient Wookiee hero, the great Bacca, first of the great chieftains of Kashyyyk, and the creator of asword that denoted leadership among the Wookiees. This name placed Chewbacca in a noble lineage, which was further supported by his role in the Battle of Kashyyyk during the Clone Wars and during the Galactic Civil War.

Chewbacca was a wise, sophisticated being of great strength and loyalty. As technologically savvy as the brightest Academy graduate, he was also a skilled mechanic. Chewbacca, like many Wookiees, was able to understand English, but he could not speak it due to his species's vocal structure. He instead spoke Shyriiwook, the main Wookiee language, composed largely of growls and grunts, to his non-Wookiee companions who typically replied in English.

Fortunately, our fishy Chewbacca is not so big or so hairy. Fishy Chewbacca is little and blue and he if you come to the desk and wave to him, he might wave back with his tail. This is what he looks like:

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